By Amani El Sehrawey
The Muslim Brotherhood has announced they are surprised by the success of last Friday's protests. Although the protests failed to meet the expectations of "a second 25th of January", they did draw tens of thousands of people to Tahrir Square to voice their dissatisfaction with the way the military has been running the country thus far. The Muslim Brotherhood decided not to participate as a group because they did not agree with many of the platforms of the protest. Indeed, marked in this particular protest was the diversity of the protestors' demands. However, many Muslim Brotherhood members attended as individuals and as apart of the Youth Coalition. The success of the protest was perceived by many as evidence that although the Muslim Brotherhood is by far the most popular political group in Cairo, alternative voices will certainly be instrumental in determining the country's future.
An Egyptian military court on Sunday sentenced two Copts to five years in prison for violence. and trying to turn a factory into an unlicensed church. The two men, who also were convicted of possession of dangerous weapons, were arrested May 18th during the clashes between Muslims and Christians in Cairo's Ain Shams district. Many Copts claim discrimination by the state due to the fact that they are required to obtain presidential permission before building churches
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