Weekly review on Omraniya incidents and religious tension in Egypt, versus some hopeful statements from Al-Azhar scholar supporting dialogue with Jews.
Tensions flared high in the Upper Egyptian town of Al-Nawahid, Controversial Egyptian blogger Abdel Nabeel Karim Suleiman has been released, The US State Department released its annul report on international religious freedoms this week.
July 26th, 2010
Controversy over allowing Christian students to join Al-Azhar University, the blight of the head of Jewish minority in Egypt, and the international demands of banning niqab.
July 18th, 2010
Head of Egyptian Jewish Community facing prison sentence, more on niqab problem and religious minorities rights in Egypt.
July 12th, 2010
On RIP Nasr Hamed Abu Zayed, church wins conflict with state on remarriage, and prophet Muhammad's mother's birthday
July 5th, 2010
On polygamy in Islam, Niqab, and conflict between church and state on remarriage
June 27th, 2010
On branding Islam as a religion of extremism and Copts right to civil marriage
June 19th, 2010
On re-marriage conflict between Church and State
June 14th, 2010
On Niqab, Ahmaddyans, and Academics